Brian Tracy
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Your greatest asset is your earning ability. Your greatest resource is your time.
Brian Tracy
All successful people men and women are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day toward their distant vision, that goal or purpose.
Brian Tracy
Communication is a skill that you can learn. It's like riding a bicycle or typing. If you're willing to work at it, you can rapidly improve the quality of every part of your life.
Brian Tracy
Decisiveness is a characteristic of high-performing men and women. Almost any decision is better than no decision at all.
Brian Tracy
Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.
Brian Tracy
Goals allow you to control the direction of change in your favor.
Brian Tracy
I've found that luck is quite predictable. If you want more luck, take more chances. Be more active. Show up more often.
Brian Tracy
If what you are doing is not moving you towards your goals, then it's moving you away from your goals.
Brian Tracy
If you raise your children to feel that they can accomplish any goal or task they decide upon, you will have succeeded as a parent and you will have given your children the greatest of all blessings.
Brian Tracy
If you wish to achieve worthwhile things in your personal and career life, you must become a worthwhile person in your own self-development.
Brian Tracy
Invest three percent of your income in yourself (self-development) in order to guarantee your future.
Brian Tracy
It doesn't matter where you are coming from. All that matters is where you are going.
Brian Tracy
Just as your car runs more smoothly and requires less energy to go faster and farther when the wheels are in perfect alignment, you perform better when your thoughts, feelings, emotions, goals, and values are in balance.
Brian Tracy
Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.
Brian Tracy
Never say anything about yourself you do not want to come true.
Brian Tracy
No one lives long enough to learn everything they need to learn starting from scratch. To be successful, we absolutely, positively have to find people who have already paid the price to learn the things that we need to learn to achieve our goals.
Brian Tracy
Only by contending with challenges that seem to be beyond your strength to handle at the moment you can grow more surely toward the stars.
Brian Tracy
People with clear, written goals, accomplish far more in a shorter period of time than people without them could ever imagine.
Brian Tracy
Practice Golden-Rule 1 of Management in everything you do. Manage others the way you would like to be managed.
Brian Tracy
Relationships are the hallmark of the mature person.
Brian Tracy
Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking, "What's in it for me?"
Brian Tracy
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Your greatest asset is your earning ability. Your greatest resource is your time.
Brian Tracy
All successful people men and women are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day toward their distant vision, that goal or purpose.
Brian Tracy
Communication is a skill that you can learn. It's like riding a bicycle or typing. If you're willing to work at it, you can rapidly improve the quality of every part of your life.
Brian Tracy
Decisiveness is a characteristic of high-performing men and women. Almost any decision is better than no decision at all.
Brian Tracy
Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.
Brian Tracy
Goals allow you to control the direction of change in your favor.
Brian Tracy
I've found that luck is quite predictable. If you want more luck, take more chances. Be more active. Show up more often.
Brian Tracy
If what you are doing is not moving you towards your goals, then it's moving you away from your goals.
Brian Tracy
If you raise your children to feel that they can accomplish any goal or task they decide upon, you will have succeeded as a parent and you will have given your children the greatest of all blessings.
Brian Tracy
If you wish to achieve worthwhile things in your personal and career life, you must become a worthwhile person in your own self-development.
Brian Tracy
Invest three percent of your income in yourself (self-development) in order to guarantee your future.
Brian Tracy
It doesn't matter where you are coming from. All that matters is where you are going.
Brian Tracy
Just as your car runs more smoothly and requires less energy to go faster and farther when the wheels are in perfect alignment, you perform better when your thoughts, feelings, emotions, goals, and values are in balance.
Brian Tracy
Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.
Brian Tracy
Never say anything about yourself you do not want to come true.
Brian Tracy
No one lives long enough to learn everything they need to learn starting from scratch. To be successful, we absolutely, positively have to find people who have already paid the price to learn the things that we need to learn to achieve our goals.
Brian Tracy
Only by contending with challenges that seem to be beyond your strength to handle at the moment you can grow more surely toward the stars.
Brian Tracy
People with clear, written goals, accomplish far more in a shorter period of time than people without them could ever imagine.
Brian Tracy
Practice Golden-Rule 1 of Management in everything you do. Manage others the way you would like to be managed.
Brian Tracy
Relationships are the hallmark of the mature person.
Brian Tracy
Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking, "What's in it for me?"
Brian Tracy