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Strength Quotes

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It's always difficult to play a scene of physical violence because you're always afraid that you don't know your own strength and might hurt someone.
Catherine Deneuve

He knows not his own strength that has not met adversity.
Ben Jonson

Elves have this superhuman strength, yet they're so graceful. Tolkien created them to be angelic spirits, but I also saw Legolas as something out of the Seven Samurai.
Orlando Bloom

The colour of the skin is in no way connected with strength of the mind or intellectual powers.
Benjamin Banneker

I want kids to understand that strength doesn't come from what goes on around you. It comes from inside you, and that comes from Jesus Christ.
Willie Aames

Liturgy is like a strong tree whose beauty is derived from the continuous renewal of its leaves, but whose strength comes from the old trunk, with solid roots in the ground.
Pope Paul VI

Love feels no burden, thinks nothing of trouble, attempts what is above its strength, pleads no excuse of impossibility; for it thinks all things lawful for itself, and all things possible.
Thomas Kempis

Prayer is more than meditation. In meditation, the source of strength is one's self. When one prays, he goes to a source of strength greater than his own.
Madame de Stael

Strength of character may be learned at work, but beauty of character is learned at home.
Henry Drummond

One cannot weep for the entire world, it is beyond human strength. One must choose.
Jean Anouilh

If I had not some strength of will I would make a first class drunkard.
Ernest Shackleton

I also wanted to express the strength of cinema to hide reality, while being entertaining. Cinema can fill in the empty spaces of your life and your loneliness.
Pedro Almodovar

The strength of the Democratic Party of Cook County is not something that just happened.
Richard J. Daley

Conscience is a coward, and those faults it has not strength enough to prevent it seldom has justice enough to accuse.
Oliver Goldsmith

I realized that, while I would never be my mother nor have her life, the lesson she had left me was that it was possible to love and care for a man and still have at your core a strength so great that you never even needed to put it on display.
Anna Quindlen

Even as we enumerate their shortcomings, the rigor of raising children ourselves makes clear to us our mothers' incredible strength. We fear both. If they are not strong, who will protect us? If they are not imperfect, how can we equal them?
Anna Quindlen

Once more, Never think that you can live to God by your own power or strength; but always look to and rely on him for assistance, yea, for all strength and grace.
David Brainerd

We are a long time in learning that all our strength and salvation is in God.
David Brainerd

I believe in prayer. It's the best way we have to draw strength from heaven.
Josephine Baker

As much as I value an union of all the states, I would not admit the southern states into the union, unless they agreed to the discontinuance of this disgraceful trade, because it would bring weakness and not strength to the union.
George Mason