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John C. Maxwell Quotes

   John C. Maxwell 

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Leadership is more ? if not much more ? influence, rather than position.
John C. Maxwell

Where there is no hope in the future, there is no power in the present.
John C. Maxwell

The greatest mistake we make is living in constant fear that we will make one.
John C. Maxwell

We choose what attitudes we have right now. And it's a continuing choice.
John C. Maxwell

People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care.
John C. Maxwell

I'm very excited about rays and this project.
John C. Maxwell

I told people they would be in for a bit of trouble, ... They had the meeting in September where they said they had hit the wall. Those things are not going to turn around overnight. It's just a worldwide slowdown.
John C. Maxwell

She shows that the force has a lot of talent in it. It also shows that the police force is becoming more intelligent because the women used to have a hard time being in the force, but this shows that all that is changing.
John C. Maxwell

The law of the [Cub Scout] pack guides the boys to move in the direction of being helpful, friendly, courteous, trustworthy and promote qualities which parents and the community are looking for. The whole purpose of scouting is to help the children grow up making good decisions in life.
John C. Maxwell

Our program is attuned in such a way that we intentionally want to provide positive male role models for the boys due to the lack of father figures in their lives. Most of the boys in our program are brought up single-handedly by their mothers or, in some cases, their grandmothers. Usually it's the mom who signs the child up to the program, because they want our male leaders to be around for their child.
John C. Maxwell

Most of them do not have access to outdoor activities, which you and I take for granted. In our first year, we took our 100 boys to visit the National Mall, and all of them said they had never been there before.
John C. Maxwell

He was very quiet...he didn't make a fuss about himself. If he had survived when Michael Manley became Prime Minister he would have been Governor-General.
John C. Maxwell

When I was editor (of the paper) we disagreed violently about certain things but he never interfered with editorial matters.
John C. Maxwell

Overall the company's numbers are compelling.
John C. Maxwell