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Louise L. Hay Quotes

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My job supports the unfoldment of my highest potential.
Louise L. Hay

As I love and accept myself exactly as I am, right here and right now with all my so-called flaws and imperfections, I find it easier to accept others in the same way. As I open my consciousness to tap into unconditional love, I connect with new levels of spiritual power. I see a blanket of benevolence covering the planet, helping to transform Earth’s consciousness from fear to love.
Louise L. Hay

I am happy to see other people enjoying prosperity. It is a mirror of my own rich abundance.
Louise L. Hay

Life is sacred. I hold in my heart all the parts of myself—the infant, the child, the teenager, the young adult, the adult, and my present and future self. My story includes every success and every failure, every error and every truthful insight, and all of it is valuable. I have compassion for me, and I also feel compassion for others. I create a life of acceptance and understanding.
Louise L. Hay

I spend money wisely. I always have as much as I need.
Louise L. Hay

I am worthy of a healthy, intimate relationship with a like-minded person. I trust the Universe to know when to bring us together.
Louise L. Hay

I know that small events can bring great good into my life.
Louise L. Hay

This month, I choose to be aware of my thoughts. It is my goal to only choose those that contribute to my well-being and that make me feel good and stimulate my creativity. I make a point of praising myself and rejoicing in my ever-growing talents and abilities, and each day I spend time thinking delightful thoughts. I truly love myself.
Louise L. Hay

If I want to be loved as I am, then I need to be willing to love others as they are. Louise L. Hay

I joyfully receive income, and I gratefully pay all my bills.
Louise L. Hay

Loving communication is one of the happiest and most powerful experiences for people. I begin to ask for help and to observe myself. As I allow myself the space to watch without judgment and without criticism, I begin to make great progress in loving communication.
Louise L. Hay

Today I am opening new doors to Life.
Louise L. Hay

There is so much good I can do for the planet. At times, I may work for causes. At other times, I may use the power of my thoughts to help heal the planet. If I hear news of a world disaster or acts of senseless violence, I immediately surround the whole situation with love. I send positive energy and do visualizations, seeing the incident working out with a solution that is best for everyone.
Louise L. Hay

I am willing to move out of my comfort zone and experience life in a new way.
Louise L. Hay

I rejoice in the love I have to share. I am a radiant being of love.
Louise L. Hay

I respect my boundaries. I insist that others respect them, too.
Louise L. Hay

I will tell you one thing I would like. I would love to have a rose named for me. I think that would be a nice thing. A beautiful rose that would go on for a long time. Every time somebody saw it, it would be beautiful. I don’t know if that will ever happen, but: Life, I want a rose named after me!
Louise L. Hay

I trust in the process of life. Nothing in the past or present interferes with the divine right flow of my life. I am healthy and happy right here and now!
Louise L. Hay